Tuesday, July 15, 2008

13 Months of Pure JOY

Every month on the "itty bitty's" Birthday we take her pictures and post it to her website for all to enjoy and for us to remember exactly what she looked like at that time. Tonight after dinner, I convinced the HOTY to change locations ~ so we headed up to the Lakes in the neighborhood to have our monthly photo shoot. Upon arriving we quickly realized we had forgotten the bread to feed the ducks...well, they kind of reminded us when they came darting across the lake our way. We probably could have went without feeding them this evening, however about 9 "durdles" (turtles) also approached us... that is the word our precious daughter added to her vocabulary today ~ along with yuck and mine (we are up to 31 words now). It only took one bat of the eye from the "itty bitty" and Daddy got back in the truck and went home to get the hamburger buns to feed the ducks, durdles & fish.

Big THANKS to Jill Ponder for the cute dress you picked up in Florida at Popin' when you went to visit your baby girl last week. I love it and so does my Mommy.

This was probably one of my favorites of the day. I loved her little face in this one... of course she kind of looks like she is up to something. (you can click on it and see for yourself)

This is probably the sweetest one of the day... Emma is a great kid and we can never get enough of her. She loves to be outside and do new things, especially if it involves animals. That a girl...your PawPaw Fabian would have been so proud.

Daddy and Emma feeding the ducks and the durdles... every once in a while Emma would sneak a little bite for herself or some duck would get lucky because it got a whole piece of bread. That girl would get so excited and forget to break it off.

And last, but certainly not my least favorite... our "itty bitty" just smiling like she does everyday. My mind often wonders what she is thinking...I ask myself constantly...Is she happy? Does she think we are good parents? Does she feel safe? Does she know how much we love her? Do we spend enough time teaching her stuff? Everyday I am reminded of what a truly happy little girl she is when... I smile at her and she smiles back. We are not perfect parents by any means...but we work hard everyday to be the best we can possibly be and that works for the Frazier Three, soon to be Four. Ohh, I kind of like that...I can't wait...the Frazier Four!

Happy 13 Month Birthday Itty Bitty

1 comment:

  1. I love the new photo shoot location! Emma is just precious and she IS HOTY's daughter for sure... I like the way you are keeping track of what words she is learning - GREAT MEMORIES! You are such a good mom!
