Thursday, July 17, 2008

You will be missed Charlene...

Today has been a very sad day for Curtis' family and lifelong friends. Charlene Hubach lost her 8 year battle to Cancer today in Lubbock, Texas. Curtis grew up at Deer Park Church of Christ with the Hubach family. Their families took many vacations together year after year with the most memorable being to Disney Land. I only had a few opportunities to be around Charlene in the past couple years, but this sweet lady always had a kind word to share and looked forward to the days ahead. Since I have known Curtis, it has been very obvious to me that Russell and Charlene have deeply impacted his life through their faith, wisdom and guidance through out the years. Below you will see a matte that Charlene signed at our wedding that reads, "Laura will be even better than the hugable @ Disneyland". Charlene always enjoyed sharing the story with me about Curtis being a small boy and carrying a stuffed Pooh around the happiest place on earth.

Curtis and Charlene dancing at our Wedding in December of 2005.

This is the "hugable" that Charlene gave to Emma when she was born. She was not feeling well enough to deliver it herself, so she sent it to me through Curtis' Mom. When I opened it, I knew exactly why she had chosen was the most thoughtful gift ever.

Charlene, You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith. Now there is in store for you the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge has already given to you today. 2 Timothy 7-8.

One last thought, I walked in our family room tonight and found the HOTY writing on a legal pad where he had already accumulated 4 pages of his thoughts. I quickly read through them and this caught my attention. The HOTY writes... "For the Fraziers, Disney and the Hubachs is virtually synonymous, which leads me to this thought. On this day, the Magic Kingdom seems a little less magical...if only we could wish upon a star. Though I think of how Charlene is no longer able to visit the Magic Kingdom, she has been delivered to the greatest Kingdom of all, that of our Heavenly Father". Wow ~ I can only Imagine!

You are very loved and will be greatly missed, Charlene. We will continue to keep Russell, Dennis, Suzanne, Lloyd & Lauren in our daily thoughts and prayers.

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