Monday, August 11, 2008

Lots Going On...

Lets see... seems as if this past week has been packed with things to do around here. I feel like I have not blogged in forever and maybe because I haven't. Well, the truth is...I have made a huge effort not to blog when my baby girl is awake...because it is just not fair ~ yep, she gets all the attention. Lots to talk about so here I go...

Visited the Dr. last week on Thursday and Baby Frazier is doing great. He/she is now 1 inch long and has a heart beat of 174. I am thinking it might be a girl, just because the "itty bitty's" heartbeat was 173 during our 2nd visit with her. There just seems to be lots of similarities in this pregnancy and the last. I feel great and to be honest with you the only symptom I have is being tired. I am very tired in the evening and get in bed around 8PM these days...crazy, huh? My poor HOTY probably thinks he is single again...Emma hits the bed at 7:30, me at 8:00 and everything gets pretty quiet around here after that. Well, lets not forget the occasional whining of Beamer (the weenie dog) that wants to go outside and chase bugs for the evening.

Speaking of babies...great news, our cousins Melissa & Sean are expecting TWINS ~ so we will be doubly blessed with two more beautiful babies. Melissa is due 2 weeks after me, but I am certain she will deliver before me since there are 2. To be quite honest with you, I am happy about that...I have said over and over...I really want her to be in the spotlight because they have waited so long to be parents. I look forward to the family Christmas' that are yet to come where babies are that is what I am talking about!

About the "itty bitty"...she will be 14 months old on Friday and is chatting up a storm and mimicking our every move around here (we are up to 46 words now). Last night a baby spoon got stuck in the garbage disposal and the HOTY turned it on and when it made the horrible grinding noise he turned it off and moaned "hmmmm...mmm...mmmm" sort of Wife has done it again. Well, low and behold...yep, Emma starts saying, "hmmm...mmm....mmmm" like my Mommy has done it again. Oh and lets not forget the bad habit she has formed where anytime we say stuff she says, "what?" of course we politely correct her and say, "it's ma'am". She thinks she is really big these days and likes to try and stand on her push car copying Little Miss Brook who did this last time she was over. The issue is, she is 6 inches shorter than Brook and about as sturdy as Bambi learning to walk...the combination calls for lots of falls to say the least. Emma now thinks the baby is growing in her tummy...we ask her where the baby is and she rubs her belly, crazy kid. Something that she is doing now that keeps us cracking up is she constantly says, "tickle, tickle, tickle" while tickling us under the chin in the cutest little voice we have ever heard. This kid keeps us on our toes and laughing hysterically.

So, we have orientation this Friday night for Emma to begin a little Mother's Day out program 2 days a week for a total of 8 hours. The HOTY and I are both a little hesitant about this because she just seems so little to us, but we have committed to giving it a try. We feel like it will be wonderful for her to interact with others her own age and the structure will be great for her as well. I will keep you posted on this adventure....don't be be surprised if we change our minds.

Well, I will be adding some pictures this evening and I am going to try and blog again if I can keep my eyes open...thought I would try and entertain you with this in the meantime.


  1. Yea! I am so glad you posted! We were missing hearing from you. Emma will be totally fine at MDO. Cant wait to have a playdate again!

  2. Yeah...I new post! I was wondering how you were...I knew school was getting ready to start, so I figured with the pregnancy you were really pooped! Glad to hear about all the "stuff" going on :)

    I'm so happy for Melissa and Sean too...I just knew it would be twins!

    Pictures Pictures Pictures!!!!

  3. We need our Emma fix...when are you posting pictures girlfriend!
