Sunday, August 3, 2008

Shower of Smiles, Tears and Hope

Wow ~ this is Marla and she looked BEAUTIFUL today for her baby shower to welcome Baby Peyton. The shower was just across the street from Marla's home at Julia's, so we all got to see the nursery and it is a dream nursery, for sure. Marla has done an amazing job decorating and it is certainly fit for a Princess.

Could not help but capture this moment of Nana with her 2 Girly Girls, Camryn (my niece) & Emma (my heart). Camryn was so cute and sweet today, she kept stopping in front of me and saying, "LaLa, take my picture and smiling"... she is quite the ham and oh so sweet to her little cousin.

Marla got so MUCH stuff...this shower was 4 1/2 hours long and I bet she spent 2 1/2 opening gifts. She got great stuff too... monogrammed stuff, bows, soft blankies, swings, clothes and so much more. There were a few cards that brought us all to tears...sweet Marla would laugh and cry, but you can see it on her face...she is full of HOPE and so looking forward to holding that sweet baby girl in her arms.

This was one of my favorite gift sets at the one, only, wonderful, favorite sis-n-law gave her this matching bib, burp cloths, bow & onsie monogrammed set and it was the cutest thing ever! When Marla opened this, I turned to my SIL and said, "oh, I would be totally fine with another girl".

One of the walls in Peyton's bedroom... we are counting the days to see you, meet you, love you, kiss you, hug you, hold you, smell you, listen to you, touch you and welcome you to our family sweet girl. You are already so blessed!

The countdown is on and we are all waiting and ready. We will continue to pray for Marla to have a wonderful delivery and a full term healthy baby.

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