Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Baby Peyton

We got meet the newest addition to our family today and she is beautiful. We could not be more excited for Dwain and Marla...these two are thrilled beyond belief. When Emma saw Peyton she just kept saying, "Baby, Baby, Baby" and of course she wanted to touch her and hug her. She did not seem to mind when I held Baby Peyton, however she did not like it when her Daddy held her. Look at these sweet cheeks...

Peyton and her Daddy ~ this little girl already has him wrapped around her finger.

She seemed so little to us. I do not remember Emma being this small.

Yes, her Mommy already has a bow on her tiny little head. Emma kept saying , "bow, bow, bow".

Peyton slept the entire time we were there, hopefully we will get to see her little eyes next time we visit.

Today was a great day for us...we took the "itty bitty" to Barnes & Noble and read some books, had lunch at PF Changs, hung out in Pottery Barn for a bit, got to see this sweet baby and went to Target to pick up things we needed for the week. We love Target!

After we put Emma down for bed, I went outside on the back porch to water my plants. The HOTY came out there and said, "what is that"... of course I said, "what"...he was looking on the arm of one of our patio chairs and said, "oh, its a black widow"...I immediately turned around to look and I said, "how do you know"...he replied, "well, its spouse is no where around"...ha ha ha...and I wonder where the "witty itty bitty" gets it. He is pretty hilarious and keeps me laughing ALL the time.