Thursday, September 4, 2008

Saving $$$ & Peyton has arrived!

I finally purchased the "itty bitty" a piggy bank today. I have been wanting to find the perfect one since she was born and had seen this one before, but at the time thought it was a bit pricey and did not want to spend the money on it. After looking at a bag of change in a Ziploc bag for a while now, I thought it was time to go ahead and splurge. We stopped at a Florist on the way home where I had previously seen this one and decided to bring him on home with us. Tonight after Emma's bath we decided to put her up on the table and put her first deposit in the bank. Needless to say, we did not have to show her but once how it worked and she got after it.

After she had been putting coins in it for a while, she turned it over and looked at its side for a while and seemed really confused. We quickly realized that she thought this piggy bank was similar to a toy one that she plays with often where you put the coins in, but you can also get them back out. We could not help but laugh once again at the "witty itty bitty" ~ nothing gets past this kid. We got the toy one out after we realized what she was doing and of course she had to put coins in it too.

So, when the pig gets full (which should be a while)...we will take her to the bank, set her up on the counter and let her make her first official deposit. I can not take credit for this idea, I am copying a friend that did this with her son about 8 years ago. Just thought this would be another way to teach her a little responsibility and to save along the way.

Now for the good stuff.....guess who is here?


7lbs 4 oz. & 20.5 inches long

The newest ANGEL God has blessed our family with!

We got a call this afternoon about 5:30 that said our cousins Dwain & Marla had just welcomed their baby girl into the world about 20 minutes prior to the call. We do not have alot of details, but should know more tomorrow. They were still in the delivery room when we got the call and we were so surprised that Marla was induced today, but she was ready. We had spent the day with them on Sunday before Emma got sick and she appeared to be miserable and hurting.

We are so super happy for these two and are just giving them their space for now. If you have been following my blog, you know that Marla & Dwain lost their only child 2 1/2 year old Sterling Scott Carnes 18 months ago to a drowning accident. As much as we want to call and CONGRATULATE them and find out all the details, we feel like we should give them their privacy for the night. Someone said she weighed about 7lbs 4 oz. and that is little for them...Sterling weighed almost 10 lbs when he was born. Oh, I can not wait to see her and hear all about her. I wonder who she looks like? I wonder how long she is? I want to hear all about her birth. I can not wait to smell her, hold her and touch her. I am so excited for this family, they have been longing for the day to hold this baby in their arms. I just can not imagine the emotions they are going through right now. Baby Peyton is going to be one blessed little girl and she is going to have 2 wonderful parents. We plan to see her on Saturday, if they are welcoming company and I will get some pictures of Little Miss Peyton to post. Please keep these guys in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Yes!! I had Nancy Jacobs and Jennifer Jacobs at one time. Is Jennifer Jacobs still there?? I know a very small world. Your little girl is so cute by the way : )

  2. Thank you for your sweet comments. Loved getting a glimpse of your life and precious family on your blog. I feel an instant connection ... must be our red headed babies! Emma is beautiful! Look forward to following the Fraziers!
