Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Day of Firsts

Today is a day of many firsts for the Fraziers. This is the first time that I (aka The HOTY) have been asked to be a "guest" on my wife's blog. I know that you all have become accustomed to the wonderfully witty story telling of Laura Ann, however tonight she has requested that I post an entry.

As I am certain that most of you are aware, today was the Big day in which we were to visit the Doctor as a family to learn whether my little Emma "Lou" would be welcoming a baby brother or sister. As Emma and I waited to be called back to be with Laura Ann for the big reveal, the memories seemed all so recent of this very moment when I was waiting alone to learn of Emma. As Emma and I entered the room where Laura Ann was lying, I said a little prayer that no matter what the fourth Frazier was to be, that he or she be healthy and whole in every way. Emma "Lou" immediately began to cry, as she was afraid the doctor was hurting her Mommy (that's another story).

As we crowded in at Laura's side to see the ultrasound monitor, I held Emma tightly waiting. The technician took measurements of everything from head to toe for what seemed like an eternity. She told us that everything was as it should be, "just beautiful". Then, with a little hesitation (& crossed legs) my son, Gavin, finally revealed himself to us. I could not believe my (tear filled) eyes, we are having a baby Boy! Laura Ann and I looked at one another and were overcome with emotion as we looked at our little boy for the first time. Just then, my sweet Emma "Lou" gazed at the screen and said "Brother".

The Fraziers have undoubtedly been blessed more than we could ever ask or expect. We are eternally grateful for the abundance of God's miraculous blessings in our lives, our God truly is an Awesome God! I never could have imagined knowing love the way that I love my sweet Emma "Lou". Now knowing this love, I cannot wait to share it with my baby boy, Gavin Thomas Frazier.

Curtis (aka Daddy)


  1. I am so excited for the Frazier Family!

  2. Praise The Lord! This post brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful post. God has truly blessed you and your precious family.

    I will be praying for Gavin Thomas Frazier and your entire family in the coming weeks and months.

    Thank you for sharing your exciting news with all of us!

    God is so good!

  3. Congratulations! A boy! Little boys are just a wonderful gift from the Lord!

    Love that name....Gavin Thomas!!

    What a wonderful post written by Gavin's Daddy! Thanks for sharing your fabulous news!

  4. Congrats to all of you!!!! Very exciting!:)

    Mark, Meleah, Mavery and McKade

  5. Congratulations!!! What a perfect family - a girl AND a boy!!!! It couldn't get any better! Love his name!

  6. Congratulations to all of you!!!! I am so happy for you. I knew all that praying for not only a healthy baby, but a baby boy would soon be a reality!

    I love love love it :)

    Bless your sweet family!

  7. I was wrong...CONGRATS on your precious baby boy..I know you all must be so thrilled to get to experience "one of each" but most importantly that he is PERFECT. GOD is good. I LOVE the name.

  8. Curtis...You are AMAZING! You know I have always been a fan of yours from day one...but now I'm convinced you are TRULY "THE" Husband of the Year! :-) That post was awesome...truly heartfelt! I felt like I was in there with ya'll and of course I cried tears of joy(very loudly)! I'm over the top with happiness for your family! I'm so thankful for your friendship and will continue to cover your whole family in prayers! I can't wait to meet Gavin! Love you!

  9. That is wonderful! I was anxiously waiting. And I love the name Gavin Thomas. I am so happy for you all!

  10. oh, so, that's who Curtis is...haha! You know I am sooooo excited that you get to experience the joys of raising both a little girl and a little boy! It is really so much fun! Can't wait until March! Love y'all!

  11. Congratulations!!!! A little boy to carry on the Frazier name! So exciting!!! I was glad to see you on there cousin Curtis. I love your writing. You should make "guest" appearances more often! Congrats to Emma on being a big sister to a baby brother. Little brothers rock...there is nothing like them!!! ;0)

    Love to you all and God Bless!!!

  12. I just felt like it was going to be a boy! I am so excited! Glad everything is perfect. Gavin...what a cute name!!!

  13. I found your adorable blog through Kelly's nursery tour, and just wanted to say congratulations on this exciting news! Our family also welcomed first a girl, then a boy. A wonderful adventure awaits you! God bless.

  14. Wow, I'm NOT joking... I have chills all over! Congrats!!!

    And Gavin's daddy is a great writer!
