Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Too Sweet

So, I got these two surprises on my blog the last couple days...thought I better play along (I don't usually do things like this). I always just tell people, I am blogging to journal the memories of my family and to become a better Mommy, Wife, Christian and Friend. Yes, I feel like my short time as a blogger has helped me in all of these areas...not to mention I have met some amazing people on here as well.

This first blog award came from Lianna at Be Thou a Knight....thank you so much Lianna. I would do all the little links, but the truth is...I don't know how. I am sure my friend Darla will be calling me after she finishes laughing & reading this to explain how it all is done. I am hoping to learn soon, so I can participate in Kelly's Nursery Share on Friday.

So, I am suppose to pass this on...the truth is I love all the blogs I read or I would not be reading them. There are different things I like about each one that is for sure, but all of them have put a smile on my face, inspired me, lifted my spirits and touched my heart at some point. If you are on my Daily Inspirations list, consider yourself a recipient of this award today, because I really do LOVE your blogs.

The next one is from sweet Danielle at Mueller...Family of Four. Nope, I have never met her, but love to read her blog and admire those two beautiful little girls of hers. She inspires me to be a better Mommy and her faith and love for the Lord is amazing to me.

I am hoping one day Kelly from Kelly's Korner and Angie from Bring The Rain will hold a joint Bloggers Retreat and we can all meet up one day...doesn't that sound like a great idea? Man, imagine what we would all feel like when we left there. Mimi from Mimi's Making Meals & Mimi's Memories could cook for all of us ~ YUMMY! I would SO be there and so would my friend Tedra.

So here I go...I probably will not pass this on, well you all know why...I don't know how to do the link thingy...but I will tell you 6 things (yes, there are way more, but these are the 6 that come to mind today) that make me HAPPY:

  1. The "Itty Bitty" ~ everything about her makes me Happy, it is a privilege to be her Mommy
  2. Hearing the heartbeat of the 4th Frazier every time I go to the Doctor
  3. The HOTY ~ he is an amazing husband and Daddy
  4. Spending time with my BFF and other friends
  5. Parents who love/loved me unconditionally (my Daddy is in Heaven...that is why I wrote loved...but I know he still loves me).
  6. God's Grace I participated...I am proud of myself and hopefully you girls are too. I realize I probably did not follow the rules 100%, remember the HOTY is the rule follower (not me).

Thank you both so much for your kindness and the sweet things you had to say about me.


  1. I can only WISH me and Angie could hold a joint retreat for bloggers!!! ha!
    Friday will be easy - just make your post and then come to my blog and type in your blog address. It's as easy as that! You'll see! Can't wait to see yours!

  2. oops - that comment was me signed in as a friend I was helping with her blog.

  3. Thank you for the sweet comment about my girls and myself. You made me smile. I'm glad we've "met" and think it would be great to have a "blogger retreat" How fun would that be.

  4. How neat that you have received TWO surprises on your blog in recent days! I can't think of anyone that deserves them more!
    As far as the joint Blogger's Retreat---count me in! I would LOVE to cook for all of my blogging friends!
    I loved your list and I think you did a great job of participating.

    Have a great week!

  5. Congratulations on your Bloggy Awards! Always fun to receive!

  6. It's Friday and we still haven't had class! :-)

  7. HEY-
    I am here from Kelly's blog. I agree with everything you left on her comments. Tell me about the Angel Care Monitor.
