Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Away in a manger...

Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season and so we praise him. This is located in our entry as you enter our home and it just happens to be my FAVORITE display during the holidays. Every year I can not wait to put it out and I hate to put it away. I usually leave it out through January and I always tell the HOTY I am going to leave it out all year long. I find myself stopping daily and just staring at it in amazement, thinking of the story it tells. I love to hold the "itty bitty" up and let her look at all the pieces and tell her the sweet story of JESUS!

This is also very special to me because I started getting pieces of it for Christmas the last year that my Daddy was alive. The first Christmas we were without him, I did not want to put anything out in my house for Christmas...nada, nothing, zilch. I remember coming home from work one day and the sweetest card was on the counter waiting for me from my husband, along side my nativity scene and a tiny Christmas tree. Being the thoughtful person that he was and still is, he could not bear to think of us going through the season without a little joy in our home. I must admit, it brought joy to my HEART also.

This will be the 3rd Christmas that we celebrate without my Father and I miss him. I still miss him to the point it hurts and it hurts bad. It has been really hard on me this year to be without him, especially since I found out that I am having a son. I would have given anything for him to hold my sweet babies in his arms. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him and reflect on the memories we shared that I will cherish for a lifetime. When I pass by our nativity scene it serves as a reminder to me that one day my Daddy WILL hold my sweet babies in his arms.

Tell me about your favorite Holiday decorations. Darla, I know what yours will be...but please post the story and some pictures for all of us about your ornaments and how you started hand making them at such a young age.

I think we are finished decorating for the year. The yard is complete, the house is adorned with lights, the tree is trimmed and we have decorated sporadically through out the house. We decided not to put everything out this year, but we did manage to get the most important things completed.

Oh, I can not wait...my Christmas cards were finalized and ordered today. I should have them mailed out by the first of next week and then I will be sharing them with all of you. In spite of the littlest Frazier's attitude on picture day...they turned out pretty darn cute. Did I mention I have the most fabulous photographer in the world and I love her?


  1. Oh Laura...I cried when I read this post. I know how much you miss your father and I have absolutley NO idea how that feels. Know that so many of us love you and pray for you daily. Hoping the joy of the season brings you peace and happiness.

  2. I love the Willow Tree Nativity - simple but beautiful!

    And I know the Holidays are so hard for so many who have loss in their lives.... sending you hugs!

  3. I have the Willow Tree nativity set. I got it for Christmas from my mother in law about 5 years ago....I think. I got the Jim Shore blue nativity last year for 1/2 off at Hallmark. Brian thinks I am crazy for waiting both of them because they both take up a bit of space, but I LOVE them. And these are keepsakes that I plan on passing down to Kennedy eventually.

    I'm really sorry about your dad. I didn't know that he had passed away. Hugs to you.

  4. I started a Willow Tree Nativity collection this year and I absolutely love it! Yours looks so beautiful in your entry. I have always wanted to leave my nativity sets up year round, too --in fact, I think it would be totally appropriate!

    I am so sorry about the loss of your father and I understand you wanting him to be able to hold Gavin (and Emma) in his arms. Aren't you thankful that we have the promise that one day he will! What a special reminder the nativity is of this promise.

    I pray that each time that you look at your nativity that it will serve as a reminder that one day very soon you'll see your sweet father again! I know that your dad must be so proud of you and your beautiful family!
