Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Oh, we partied like Rock Stars last night at the Frazier house! Our night started at... well you can see for yourself...

Yep, that is was an early night at our house and I loved it! It consisted of $5.00 worth of sparklers, left over spaghetti and playing with the sweetest little girl in the world. To be quite honest, I would not have it any other way. That is my idea of some kind of fun, being at home with my family.

Mommy and out, we had 2 sparklers going at one time.

Daddy brought these sparklers home for the "itty bitty" to enjoy and she loved watching him light them. She kept calling them "crackers".
Daddy put a couple in the ground and lit them for our enjoyment too.
Oh, I tell y'all this guy is funny....he put 5 of them in the ground at the end and told us to watch, it was the "grand finale"...he is so clever. I mean, who needs to go to Disney when your married to the HOTY and you can see a display like this in your own back yard?
Needless to say, 2008 has been a great year for our family and we have been BLESSED beyond words and much more than we deserve. There are so many things that remind us daily of how truly fortunate we are and how God is working in our lives every second of the day. We honestly could not ask for more. This time next year, we will be the Frazier Four!
Happy New Year to you and your families.


  1. Ah, there's my smart little girl! Wow, what a finale! Curtis is a firecracker!

  2. Hey - looks like itty bitty completely enjoyed it as it was Disney... I love where she's crouched down just staring!!

  3. Love all the pictures. You have a precious ittle girl. And the canvas she painted, I really hope you have that hanging in your house. It is a masterpiece!!!

  4. What a grand finale! That's my idea of celebrating New Year's Eve, too --being at home with family!

    Laura Ann, I am so thankful to have gotten to "know" you this year. I believe the Lord led me to your blog because you have been such a source of encouragement and blessing to me this past year. He has given me such a "connection" with you and your precious family!

    I am so excited that very soon you will become the Frazier Four! God has certainly blessed you in many ways this year and I am thankful to have been able to share some of these blessings with you.

    Thank you for your prayers for me and for my husband in his job search - that means so much! Thank you, also, for all of your comments on my recipe blog this year. It is nice to know that someone is reading it! (-:

    Praying for God's blessings on the Frazier Four in 2009! Can't wait to meet Gavin!

  5. Looks like you guys had a great time :) I love the pic of Emma bending down to watch the "crackers".....hilarious! Happy New Year!

  6. look at her, all crouched down and concentrating! SO cute! Happy New Year!
