Saturday, January 17, 2009

Heavy Heart

I really don't have many words this morning and I have not posted in a while, but I felt like I needed to get on here and ask for all of you to pray for some people who are on my heart and mind this morning. I have found myself really sad this week for people that are going through very difficult times. I am sure that most of you have already read about them, but if you have not please pray for the following:

My Mom is in the Hospital (she is going to be fine)
any others who are struggling.
Please pray for complete healing & comfort for these sweet people, their families and the medical professionals dealing with each one of them. Each of them have a very different story, but a very common bond...they love the LORD and their FAITH is unwavering even in the darkest hours.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24


  1. Amen!! I am literally on the edge of my sit...and have been ALL morning...praying for all of these people.

  2. Just came over from Lianna's blog...glad I did. Although Adrienne, Kelly and Jenna are all women I know through blogging, Bonnie, Caroline and baby, and the Wims family were new to me.
    Thank you for posting about ALL of them.
    I have clicked on the 2 new blogs and now have faces and names to pray for.
    May God move mightily through each and every one of these stories.

  3. My family is praying and has been all weekend, I think it's great that people like you are putting this information out there to bring in other prayer warriors who may not know of the situations.

  4. We will keep all of them in our prayers. Thanks for always sharing Brad and his family with your prayer warriors.
