Monday, January 26, 2009

Sibling Class

Yesterday we took the "itty bitty" to her sibling class at the hospital. We had been talking to her about this for several days, so she was excited to go see the babies.

Emma and her Daddy walking down the hallway of the hospital making her way to class to learn how to be a big sister!

Oh, I think this baby girl is going to do just fine. Nope, they did not teach them to do CPR ~ she was just giving her baby some kisses.

They gave each of them a diaper to put on their babies. It was tiny, we are in size 6 diapers at our house and it has been a while since we had seen one that small. Well, really we never did...Emma was a big girl when she was born.

Getting ready for the hospital tour.

Mommy and Emma about to go see all the little babies.

This was Emma getting her certificate that certified her to be a BIG SISTER! She also got a little shirt for her efforts in class.

The sibling class was really cute to us. Emma was probably a little young to understand everything they covered, but she paid attention to the video they showed and part of the lesson that was taught. She really enjoyed the hospital tour and seeing the babies. When she saw them she began hitting on the glass and screaming, "baby, my baby, baby." Her Daddy had to explain to her that she was going to wake the babies up, so then she started telling us, "Shh, baby sleeping."

As we were leaving and we got on the elevator to go home we asked her, "how many babies did you see" and she said, "alot." My heart tells me she is going to really love Baby Gavin.


  1. Those classes are a great idea! And your little girl is cutest little thing!

  2. She's going to be an amazing Big SISTER!!!! That kiss just proved it!!!

  3. That is so precious! That kiss is GREAT....hahahaha!!

  4. I've never heard of big sister classes! That sounds so cute!

  5. Oh I LOVE IT! She is just the cutest ever and I know that she will make a wonderful BIG SIS'!

    I can remember like it was yesterday taking Faith to this class when she was becoming a big sister, and her little brother turned 26 this past Saturday! Cherish these times, Laura Ann. Life just goes entirely too fast!

    Hope you're feeling well. You and Gavin and your entire family are in my prayers as the big day is fast approaching! I can hardly wait!

    Thanks so much for sharing such a special day!
