Sunday, March 15, 2009

21 Months Old

Our baby girl is 21 months old today. Where has the time gone? It is so hard for us to believe that in 3 short months she will be 2 years old.

We can never imagine life without this sweet little girl. There have been lots of changes around our house in the past month and this Big Sister has done such a great job adjusting. She is such a big helper and is so in love with Baby Gavin. She is very protective and needs to know he is okay at all times.

She is talking in complete sentences, repeats anything she hears, says about 450-500 words, can count to 12, can sing 5 songs, loves to read, knows her ABC's, can spell her name, knows all her animals and the sounds they make and knows she lives in the great state of TEXAS.

We are so immeasurably blessed to call this sweet girl our daughter. There is not a day that goes by that we do not thank our heavenly Father for the blessing that is Emma. We look forward to a lifetime of the little moments that the past twenty-one months have held. My precious Emma, we love you with all our hearts.


  1. she was such a good and sweet little girl today too! I had fun Emma Lou! Love U!

  2. She is soooo adorable and I LOVE the outfit....little brother is mighty handsome too. Cant wait to have baby girl and see our two interact.

    By the way if you do her birthday party as a farm theme let me know and I will gladly send you all the pottery barn farm party stuff as that is what we did for birthday #1. Have a good one!!!

  3. Lauren----I have tried to contact you, but my computer crashed and I have lost your contact information.

    Please email me or approve me as a blog reader, so we can make contact.

    So good to hear from much longer till Baby Girl arrives?

  4. I can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog but I enjoy reading and am dying to know where you got the little outfit your little girl is wearing! Please tell :)

  5. What a precious post about such a special little girl!

    Happy 21 months, Emma! You are an awesome Big Sister!
