Friday, March 13, 2009

Baking with my Baby

The "Itty Bitty" and I decided to bake some cookies the other night and it was so fun to watch her get into it.

She could not put them on the cookie sheet without taking a bite of each one first. Yes, I let my child taste raw cookie dough.

Here she is tasting another one. I did not have the heart to move the cookies after she put them on the sheet, so they baked exactly how she placed them on there.

She was very anxious for them to get done, so she could take one to her Daddy who was busy rocking Baby Gavin.

I think she probably stayed in this position for about 10 minutes looking at them bake with her spatula in her hand.

Finally...they are done and ready to be put on the plate. This Big Sister made some awesome cookies and she was so proud of herself.

Could not post without a picture of the Fourth Frazier the day we brought him home from the hospital. Our "little man" is doing great and his jaundice levels are decreasing daily ~ thank you for your prayers.
Oh he is so sweet...whoever said "snips and snails and puppy dog tails...that's what little boys are made of"...this little boy is certainly the sweetest thing I have laid eyes on since the last time I looked at the "Itty Bitty".

Our days are becoming less chaotic and more routine around here. We are getting plenty of sleep at night and Gavin is able to make it anywhere between 4-6 hours at night between feedings. Need I tell you, I am so PROUD to be a Mommy of 2 and even more PROUD to be one of the Frazier Four!


  1. Your children are just to cute for words! & I love the picture of your itty bitty putting the cookies on the plate she looks so serious! Love it!

  2. I love the reflection of Emma in the cookie sheet. She is so dang cute! Girl, I can't wait to get over there and get my hands on Mr. Gavin!

  3. This was such a precious post! I love the pictures of "E" looking in the oven to see if the cookies are ready yet! And the determination on her face as she scoops the cookies off the cookie sheet is just too cute!

    A girl after my own heart --eating a bite out of each cookie before she places it on the cookie sheet! Maybe she'll have her own recipe blog one day! (-:

    So glad to hear that your "little man" is such a good baby and that you are getting plenty of rest. The Lord has truly blessed you!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh they are both absolutely beautiful children. I am so thankful little Gavin is better. And so thankful you are getting more rest.
    Take GOOD care of yourself and congratulations once again.
    What an absolutely beautiful family of 4! Answered prayers....
    Blessings always,
    Matthew 21:22

  5. I am so glad to hear that yall are doing well! Cant wait to get over there to see yall.

  6. Congrats on sweet baby Gavin, he is so so cute. Glad to hear things are going well. I bet little Emma just loves being the big sister.

  7. I am coming to see that baby next week!
