Monday, March 2, 2009

Big Sister / Little Brother

We decided early on in our pregnancy and requested that we not have a Baby Shower for our newest arrival for many reasons. First and foremost, I am a much better giver than a receiver so I have never been comfortable accepting gifts from others. It creates alot of anxiety in me and makes me real nervous. Yes, I even feel like this when the HOTY gives me stuff.

Literally, I thought I was going to have a heart attack through out my wedding showers and baby showers for Emma. So yes, early on we told everyone NO SHOWERS and we have received somewhat of a hard time about it from people in our family and my work. Some say it is old fashion, others say it is ridiculous and others are grateful they don't have to worry about it...I am okay and respect all of that.

We also decided that it was our 2nd baby, we just did all this 20 months ago and the economy has everyone stressed out as it is and we did not want to add to that stress for anyone. We are truly blessed and just appreciate everyone being so excited and continuing to pray for us. Believe it or not, it has worked out just fine and we have every single thing we need and more to welcome the Fourth Frazier. Trust me when I say...he is not doing without. Everyday we thank God for all he has done for us and for the wonderful life we are so fortunate to live.

There are a couple people who would not accept no for an Sister in law being one of them. She came by on Saturday with her sweet family with this bag of goodies and let me just tell you that I love it all! Thank you Aunt Stacey, Uncle James, Hunter & Camryn...we can not wait for you all to meet Baby Gavin.

Is this stuff not the cutest? I can not wait to see my sweet babies in all of this...this is what I call eye candy ~ yummy, yummy, yummy!


  1. That stuff really is super cute!

  2. I love all the goodies you got. They are really cute!

  3. So exciting that your little boy will be here so soon! We will be thinking and praying for you all on THE BIG DAY!!!

  4. Super cute! I can't wait to see pics of the lil bro and bib sis together in their cutie pie outfits!!!
