Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Daddy...

...went back to work today after being at home with me, my Mommy and my baby brother for 16 days. I was a little sad when I woke up this morning and my Daddy was gone, however we made it through the day just fine.

I knew when it was time for my Daddy to come home so I went and sat at the window in the dining room and awaited his arrival. As soon as I saw his car drive up I started screaming, "Hello Daddy, hurry Daddy, hurry!" Needless to say, I missed him a whole bunch today.

I was so happy to wrap my arms around his neck as soon as he hit the back door. My Mommy did a good job today with us and even managed to get a few things done around the house too. My lil' brother slept most of the day and my Mommy's friend, Tedra came and spent some time with us. All in all, it was a great day...but I wish my Daddy would win the lottery!


  1. I bet that sweet daddy had just as hard a time leaving to go to work as ya'll did letting him go! I bet this little photo just touched his heart! Daddy's little girl!

  2. So sweet...what a little daddy's girl...sounds a lot like her mommy :)
