Sunday, April 26, 2009

Best Baby Gadget Ever

I must admit that being a Mommy has been much easier the 2nd time around and here is my favorite little gadget these days. I wanted to share it with all you Mommy's out there in case you have never seen it. It is called itzzbeen and is a very inexpensive way to monitor your babies daily routine. I will be the first to tell you that breastfeeding stressed me out for the first few months with Emma and I kept a journal of when she ate, how long, slept and woke up. This little gadget has made life so much easier for me and my little man.

You got it ~ this little beauty has 4 different timers that keep track of the last diaper change, feeding, sleep and we use the * button to let us know how long Gavin has been awake. It also has a clock on it, a little flash light and a button for you to indicate and remember which side you nursed on last. Works out great when the HOTY gets home or I have to run somewhere, all the information is right at his fingertips.

So, all you Mommy's out there, Mommy's to be or someone looking for a great shower can not beat this little luxury. One thing is for sure, you will always know how long itzbeen.


  1. By far, this was my very favorite gift! I love, love, love mine as well! We have only had to replace the batteries once in 7 months and we use it daily! It's a mommy's best friend!

  2. That is the best thing ever! I wish they would have had that out when my two were babies!

  3. Hi Bam,
    This is aunt San, just Thanking God for your continued progress! We are yet praying for all of you, and my personal prayer is that this situation draws all of you closer to God. I hope to visit you in June, until then know that we Love you and we are here if you need us. Much Love,
    Aunt San & Family!
