Thursday, April 23, 2009

For the first time...

...since 3rd grade, I live in the same town with one of my Grandparents and I could not be more excited. My Maternal Grandfather's health has been declining in the past year and so my family was recently forced to make some decisions about his living arrangements.

My Grandparents (the only ones I have - my Dad's parents died before I was born), retired and moved to the country when I was in 3rd grade. I was not happy to say the least and I still remember their departure like it was yesterday. So all this time they have lived about 4 hours away. As a matter of fact when I decided where to go to college, I chose one that was 45 minutes away from their home so I could spend more time with them. That worked out perfect until it was time for me to graduate and move away again.

My sweet Grandmother, the sweetest and kindest person I have ever known in my life passed away 8 years ago and we begged for my Papa to come back home. He refused and continued to live in the town they had retired to many years ago.

Need I tell you that all the little widow women came out of the wood work when my Nanny passed away, because a single handsome man was in town. It made me sick and my family loved to tease me about my Papa having or finding a girlfriend. I would cry and cry about it, because I felt like I needed to remain loyal to my Nanny.

Well, guess what we got to do today after picking the "Itty Bitty" up from MDO? We got to go and see my Papa who just moved to an assisted living facility in our town on Monday.

I was so proud to walk in with my 2 sweet babies and ask the receptionist to direct us to Papa's room. It felt so good and I truly never thought I would see the day when he moved back here.

Here is a pictue of me & Papa on my wedding day. He walked me partly down the aisle to meet my Daddy ~ he is the sweetest little thing ever.

Papa and my sweet babies. This is the first time he has seen our "Little Man" and he was so excited and kept telling everyone, "these are my great grandbabies and that is my granddaughter."

My heart melted when I got home and saw this picture of him holding Gavin.

Emma was a little nervous about Papa being in a wheel chair. He can actually walk, but he recently had hip replacement and this makes it much easier for him to get around.

I had a lady that was passing by snap a picture of all of us. I sure wish Curtis could have been there with us, but he will go back with us soon.
It was so nice to just sit and visit with him. He is very smart, funny and awful handsome for someone that will be 88 years old in October. He told me that when he left home on Monday all the "little old ladies" were just crying and crying because they were going to miss him so much. He is quite the ladies man and is always dressed to perfection. I could not help but laugh when we got there becuase there he sat in his pressed khakis and dress shirt (he had no idea we were coming). He normally wears a straw cowboy hat too.
Everyone we walked past in the hallway just smiled and told me what a joy he was to have around. He also just kept telling me, "I can not believe I am here, I am back in the same town with all my family. I am so happy to be back with my family. I can not wait to see everyone." As hard as it was for us to get him here, I think he is thrilled to call this place his new home.
The place he moved is brand new and is beautiful. I was a little hesitant about going because I thought it would make me really sad to see him there, but it is just gorgeous and so nicely decorated. It is adorned with wrought iron, armoires, nice wall hangings, coordinating upholstered furniture, fireplaces and much more.
He has already had quite a few visitors, been to a couple of his great grandchildren's baseball games, gone to Target with my Uncle (he kept calling it Targie), gone out to dinner and watched an Astro's game with my Mom. He is very social, never meets a stranger, everyone loves him and has a million stories to tell about all his life experiences.
It was such a joy to see him interact with my children today and we look forward to many more visits with him.
Did I mention that I am so excited that for the first time since 3rd grade, I live in the same town with my Papa?


  1. Thrilled for you and your family to have your Papa back 'home'.
    Blessings always,
    Matthew 21:22

  2. What an amazing thing to have him home!

  3. I think I just might ask him out on a date myself! He is a total hottie! Get the man his cowboy hat and I'm all over that! ;-)

    He looks wonderful and I think I love him too! Don't tell David, lol!

  4. Oh my goodness... that is precious to have generations together like that!

    I always think that one day in the past, HIS grandfather - or great grandfather held him - & now, he sits there holding HIS great grandson & granddaughter....

    time...a funny thing!

    & always love seeing wedding pictures - how beautiful!

  5. I read this post the first time yesterday and was teary-eyed after reading it, so I decided I would come back to leave a comment. Well....same thing happened this morning, so here goes....

    I can just feel (and see) the love that you share between each other! I love the picture of you and him at your wedding. And the picture of him holding baby Gavin is just the sweetest thing ever! Definitely frameworthy!

    I was very close to my maternal grandparents and this post brought back lots of memories of how much I loved them and miss them. My grandfather was always dressed up, too, I think it was the era they were raised in --they were raised to be gentlemen! We used to laugh because my PaPa even mowed the grass in a dress shirt! ha! And, he always wore a hat, too!

    I am so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bring your grandfather "home" to his precious family so that you could all love on him. He is one blessed man! And might I HANDSOME man, too!
