Sunday, May 31, 2009

The day has come...

...when I must return to work to finish up the last 4 days of school with my Senior students and prepare them for Graduation Saturday evening. This is a bittersweet return for me as you can imagine. I have been at home with my babies for 13 weeks...oh I am so sad.

Look at these 2 sweet faces, how am I ever going to leave them in the morning?

This sweet baby girl told me this morning as I was talking to her about returning to work, "Mommy, I stay home with you"...uh, rip my heart out!

This "little man" he can melt my heart any second of the day. He looks at me and just smiles all day long. He is the sweetest thing ever!

Please say a prayer for me...this is emotions are everywhere as I type. I have been so blessed to be able to stay home this long and it is summer, so I will not have to work for long...but it is still HARD to leave my sweet children.
However, I have so much to be thankful for in Mrs. Jenny (this is who has kept Emma in her home since she was 5 months old) and she is truly a gift from God. She is a SAHM of a Kindergartner and a 3rd grader and there is no doubt in my mind she loves my sweet babies like they are her own. I could NEVER imagine a better person to leave my children with and she is so....I could go on forever, but I will just leave you with wonderful.
Thank you Kevin, Jenni, Tori & David for sharing your home with my sweet babies. We love you guys so much!


  1. Laura! Emma looks so grown up in that picture of her on the bed! Gosh she is growing! And Gavin...oh, my goodness! That smile!!!! I know tomorrow will be hard for you but it won't be long and y'all will be out playing in the can do it! Love you!

  2. That's such a great picture of Ms. Jenni and her family...look, they are all smiling so pretty!! :-)

  3. I know it'll be hard... but it'll be OK... probably good for you to get back into that world & good for the kids to get some time with other people... it really does round them out in personalities...

    ANd just remember, its only a few hours before you get to be with those adorable faces again!!!!

  4. Sending prayers your way as I could imagine how hard today will be!!! But think how blessed you are to have the sitter you do!!! Hang in there!!
