Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daddy Day

Today we honor and celebrate the BEST DADDY in the UNIVERSE. We are so blessed to have the most hands on, sensitive, loving, caring, patient, kind, sweet, hardworking, funny, playful, smart, praying, affectionate, giving, structured, God loving Daddy all to ourselves.

I can not think of a better example of a Father than Curtis and I think anyone who knows him will say the same. He is amazing in every sense of the word and is the kind of Daddy that every child and wife in this world deserves.

There is NOTHING he will not say or do for his children, regardless of where we are or who he is around. He is true to himself, his children, his beliefs and wants others to know that he takes his role as a Daddy very serious. I believe with all my heart that there are people in our lives that Curtis serves as a role model to on what a husband and a father should be. He is not perfect in anyway, however he strives for perfection daily and ALWAYS puts his family first.

I love the example Curtis is setting for our children in his daily walk with the Lord. It is always important to him to speak in a kind manner and love me in a way that is ALWAYS respectful and a good example for our children. I guess I am just totally amazed at the man he is and the Daddy he is to our children.

Thank you is not enough and does not even begin to show how much I appreciate you and all that you do for us on a daily basis. I will always believe that you are the BEST Daddy and Husband in the world.

We love you today and always with our whole hearts!

Happy Father's Day


  1. Happy Daddy's Day Curtis! You have a beautiful family! hugs to you all!

  2. Happy Fathers Day Curtis! You are one of the best daddy's I know! Have a wonderful day...I know it will be blessed!

  3. What a precious pic. Happy Father's Day Curtis! Love you!

  4. sweet! /your family is PRECIOUS!!!

  5. Those pics are too cute! I love Emma's hair! I can't wait until Sophie gets more!

  6. I know that I'm waay late..but I'm just now catching up and just had to say how amazing I think Curtis is too. God couldn't have given you a better helpmate and father for your children. Ya'll are certainly equally yoked and the very best parents. Love you all FOUR of you!
