Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Emma vs.the Dentist

This Mommy should have known that it was not going to go over well, when her little feet hit the floor this morning and she started saying, "no, I am not going to the dentist". Well, needless to say we made our way to the dentist and as soon as we hit the reception area she started crying and saying, "I want to go home" over and over and over!. At that point I should have just left, but decided that we would stay and just try it. The picture belows says it all...it was NOT a good experience.

She was much happier when we got in the car and she knew we had left there for good. She then started saying, "I like the dentist, I got a pink toothbrush Mommy".

She got over it pretty quickly and they are expecting us back in 6 months for her 1st cleaning...uh, I am not sure we will make it back.

Tonight as we were getting her ready for bed I asked her to show her Daddy what the dentist told her today. She had me open my mouth and she began counting my teeth all the way up to 12 and then in a very high pitched voice as she got super close to my mouth she said, "your teeth look good, your teeth look pretty". This kid is so FUNNY and does not miss a beat, remembers everything she hears and can hardly wait to repeat it.

I was so proud of you today Emma, you were certainly the loudest patient in the office and also the CUTEST!


  1. I've always heard that children are the best accountability partner you could have...they'll repeat everything you say!

    I love reading about your little family and seeing your precious children!

  2. Cute! My son LOVES going to the dr. and dentist... crazy! So, it's funny to hear other parents talk about their dr./dentist stories. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your pics. What a sweet family.

  3. So cute!! I LOVE the pink toothbrush :)

  4. So funny! I am cracking up at this post girl. Poor baby! I do not look forward to those days with 2 at the same time. YIKES!

  5. That is too cute. I am glad that you have taken her. I still have one taken my son and he's three. I need to take him, but I don't know what type of experience it will be. I will make sure I post about it once it happen.

  6. I have been meaning to get Miss Amelia to the dentist. I think I'm long overdue. Oh...I am totally dreading that day........... :o)

  7. What a cute post! I wish that Miss Emma could have come to MY office and I would have loved to have gotten to count her teeth!

    Don't worry --sometimes 6 months makes all the difference in the world. Some of the kids that won't let us touch them the first time, march right in in 6 months, hop up in the chair and do whatever you ask them to. And then... she'll not only get a pink toothbrush, she'll get a trip to the Toy Chest!!
