Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today is Curtis' 35th Birthday and he was not looking forward to this one. I think he is feeling a little old. Just a simple little celebration with our sweet little family, The Frazier Four!

I asked Emma what she wanted to get you for your birthday and she said, "uh Caillou". Gavin just grunted when I asked him.

We love you so much. Happy Birthday to the BEST Daddy and Husband I know. I pray that we get to celebrate 35 more Birthdays together.

Hurry home, your baby girl wants to see, "my Daddy blow a candle out"...oh she is such a Daddy's girl!


  1. You have the cutest kids! Just thought I'd say Hi! My husbands B-day is the 4th! Have a nice weekend!

  2. So sweet!! I love the pic....I am sure it's another Darla creation...she is SO awesome!!

    Happy Birthday Curtis!

  3. Oh, Happy Birthday, Curtis! God has truly blessed you in these first 35 years - with a beautiful, loving wife and 2 adorable children --just to name a few of those special blessings! (BTW..I love the picture of those 2 "little" blessings!)

    I pray that God will bless you "real good" on your birthday and may this be your best year yet!

    Happy Birthday to my sweet friend's husband!
