Sunday, August 30, 2009

Busy as can be...

The last 2 weeks have been super busy around our house. I have missed blogging so much, however I made a vow to myself that I would NOT blog if it took a single second away from my sweet babies after I returned to work. Well, needless to say...I have not had time or I have crashed when they have crashed every night. I feel so GOOD about my decision and know that I am doing the right thing. I am hoping that with school underway, I will have some free time on my hands.

Look who is trying to be Mr. Independent these days? Our little man is growing so fast...he will be turning 6 months old this week and it is hard for us to believe. We will be traveling back to the specialist on Tuesday for our second head scan and to find out if we will begin wearing a helmet. We are ready to do what is best for Gavin and move forward with the next plan of treatment.

Here is a recent picture of the top of Gavin's head. We are pretty confident that he will have to wear a helmet to help with the Plagiocephaly. Our prayer is that he will remain the happy, sweet, easy going little boy that we have on our hands now and of course that it reshapes his beautiful little head. We are so thankful that he is such a healthy little boy and thank God for him daily.

Yawning as I type, so I am off to lay in bed and talk to my sweet husband before I fall asleep.


  1. Praying for your precious little Gavin. Blessing to you and yours this evening and always,
    Matthew 21:22

  2. Miss you my sweet friend! I pray all will be healed with Gavin!

  3. I wanted to let you know that my daughter had to wear a helmet for 4 months and she had plagieoceohly as well. Please let me know if you want ot learn more about it or if youy have any questions. Best thing we did for our little girl. Insurance did not cover it,but still worth every cent.

  4. I am SO glad you are enjoying your new school...I totally understand how busy you are!!

    Praying for Gavin too...I can't believe he is almost 6 months already!!!

  5. I was missing you girl! I was tempted to call and see what was going on. Glad to hear that all is well. Cannot wait to hear all of the details about your new school. We will see you this weekend right? Keep us posted on his appointment. Saying a Big prayer for him! love you!
