Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Last night Curtis and I had an opportunity of a lifetime and we enjoyed every single second of it. We got to work on the job site of a 6300 square foot house that is being built for a deserving family by Extreme Makeover. When I say the sight of this was amazing, I mean it was AMazInG! The most organized chaos I have ever seen in all my life. Something you would never believe until you saw it with your own eyes. Yesterday was actually Day 5 of the build and their were about 250 people their working very hard.

Here we are after we are all signed in on the shuttle going to the job site. We actually met a very dear friend down there that has been on site for 3 days working with the design team. We were called down to help assist with the nursery for the 2 youngest children who both have special needs. Upon arriving we got our hard hats and immediately walked on the job site to get busy.
After working on some things in the design tent, yes we were in the design tent all night. Not because of our talent, but because of my friend Lollie's great work. It was crazy. This tent was a high security area where they make all the special projects. I just could not stop looking around STARING at everything and everybody. (ha ha)

I was so excited when one of the lead designers that was in charge of the 2 rooms we assisted with said we needed to go inside and get some measurements in the nursery. At that time, we got to take a tour of the entire house, both floors, all 6300 square feet. I could hardly believe I was standing in a home that construction had started on 4 days earlier. Yes, they had demolition day too...that is what I call TEAMWORK friends.

Picture of the front of the house that a very special Mom & Dad will call home with their 14 children (4 biological children & 10 adopted...can I get a WOW!) Oh, that is not it...they have been living in a travel trailer since Hurricane Ike with all of these kids, 2 whom are on oxygen.

Yes, I am a rule breaker. Actually they would let you take pictures from the spectators lot, but not on the actual job site or in the design tent they call Art World. I got a few of both places, but I am not going to share them until after the show airs in March. I don't want ABC to show up on my doorsteps and take me away, my babies would miss me.
I added this picture after Ty said, "Welcome home Beach family, Welcome home"!

Needless to say, I am EXHAUSTED and off to bed for the night. It was truly a blessing to be a blessing last night!


  1. How dang exciting is that!?!?!?!?!

    I love that show! And you'll be excited when this house airs & you know you had a part in it!

  2. What an exciting opportunity!!! I know that is something you will never forget!! Can't wait to see the show when it airs.

  3. Hey, what happened with the ducks? You were so sweet to get her REAL ducks! I love the picture where the ducks are following Emma around. Too cute. She is going to look back on those pictures some day and know how much she was truely loved.

  4. What an amazing opportunity! Can't wait to hear more stories!

  5. So exciting! I cannot wait to see it in March. I'm sure since I live right around the corner, I will get a peak before then! HEE!HEE!

  6. Not a problem sister...not a problem. Have you started planning yet? I am in desaperate search for a cake. Cannot find what I want!

  7. Just stumbled onto your blog through another blog that I follow, Lianna's, Growing our Own Garden. I love your blog and the pictures of your children are beautiful. You and I share a two common things, our name Laura Ann, and a love for Extreme Home Makeover. ONLY you actually got to share in the joy of ministering to this family through your hard work and sacrifice of time. That is too cool!

    Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
    Laura Ann

  8. Hi Laura,

    We have been hearing all about this house for the past couple of weeks. Mavery's classmate was there with her family, her mother is the one who wrote in to Extreme Home Makeover about the family in need. She works for an adoption agency that they had adopted a child from. Mavery found the whole thing very exciting and they even came to her school to talk about the experience. So glad you and Curtis got to be part of it!!:)

