Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pumping & Nursing

"Mom, I need to borrow your pump and a bottle." I ignored her request thinking she would quickly move onto something else. Not 5 minutes later I walked in my room and look what I found.

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. She decided her baby could not wait for her Mommy to decide to loan her the Medela. This girl took matters into her own hands. So thankful my camera was on the dresser.

This girl has been talking about nursing & pumping since her brother arrived. This one reminded me of something she may have seen me do in public a time or ten.
She was so serious about it. She just kept talking to her baby and rubbing her back and arm.
Okay, this cracked me up. I always have a burp cloth within reach when I nurse for clean up purposes. Emma had grabbed a wipe before she even started and then wiped herself down when she was done. If you think for one second your babies don't watch and remember your every move, well you're WRONG!
Needless to say, she is feeling better today and the La Leche League might be recruiting her soon.


  1. I am ROLLING OVER HERE!!! That child is SO darn funny Laura!!!

  2. I am laughing hysterically!!! And, what a very smart girl to think ahead and get the wipe BEFORE she started 'nursing.' :o)

  3. This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. If it was on video it could have won you a lot of $ on America's Funniest Home Video

  4. That is hysterical!!! Your daughter is so sweet and funny.

  5. Oh gosh...that is hillarious!! She is so cute too....she is going to be a good little mommy!!!

  6. That is way too funny... I wonder if she takes a time out at school to go do that. I remember I used to have to do that.

  7. That is awesome Laura! I'm glad Emma is feeling better and I think she will make a great mommy one day. ;o)

  8. omg.. that is the cutest thing I have EVER seen!! Glad to see she is feeling better!

  9. That is a "senior ad" picture right there!

  10. I am cracking up!! This is hilarious!!! SHe has a mind of her own girl!!!

  11. I am laughing out loud right now!!! Love it!

  12. This is so cute! I found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I had a friend at church on Sun. tell me her daugther did the same thing. She caught her in the nursery sitting in the rocker with baby to breast, blanket over the shoulder, just sitting there. She asked what she was doing and she said nursing my baby. They do watch us and see us and hear everything we do/say. Oh be careful little eyes, what you see.........
