Monday, March 1, 2010

...and I Love You too!

Happy First Birthday week to the sweetest little boy I know. I love you Gavin and I am so excited to celebrate your special day with you, Little Man.

I hope that you will wear a shirt like this when you are 18 too!


  1. OMG..he looks so big! How precious is he!!! Cannot wait until the big bash!!! Happy 1st Birthday cutie!!

  2. Oh my...Happy Birthday little guy..I cant hardly beleive you are turning a year!! WHooooo

  3. Oh Laura he is so handsome. I can just eat him alive! By the way don't you just love all the Matilda Jane this season? I have order one outfit and plan to order more.

  4. So sweet!! I bet he will where a shirt like that when he's 18...he's such a sweetie!!

  5. How precious is that! Doesn't he just melt your heart? Every mommy needs a son! Can't wait for the party.
