Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rodeo 2010

We took our little cowpokes to the Rodeo and they had a grand ole time. One of them did at least, the littlest Frazier does not seem to be a lover of animals like his BIG SISTER. He would scream everytime an animal was close to him. Uh oh, hopefully he will come around as he gets a little older. He loves our dog, but that is it. As for Emma, we could hardly drag her away from the animals or keep her from going under the fence to get to them.

The second we walked in she began beggin to ride the pony. Finally we battled the line, purchased a ticket and waited for her turn to ride. When her and her Daddy got to the front of the line, she chose the one she wanted to ride. We were amazed that she remembered the one she had ridden last year at 20 months old, Gem and chose to ride the same one again. I am telling you she is the witty itty bitty.

All in all it was a great day. It poured down rain on us and the weather was horrible. They HOTY and I were soaked by the time we got in, but it was so worth it when we saw the joy in Emma's eyes. The kid was in her element I tell ya.


  1. Those pics of Emma just tickled me to death. Girl, she LOVES animals :)

  2. What a fun day! LOVING Emma's little red cowboy hat, so stinkin' precious. Once again, you got some great pictures of the family.

  3. That is the cutest thing. I am just amazed by her love of animals girl!!! Still lovin them cowboy boots!

  4. Precious!! You have the cutest kids!!! Will you please do a post about where you get your kids clothes!!! They always have the cutest clothes on!!!
