Friday, April 30, 2010


Tonight was a magical night for this little guy and we enjoyed watching him as he took off like a ROCK STAR! This is serious business, so get ready for some serious faces.

My Mom came to visit the kiddos this evening and Gavin was more than willing to impress her with his walking skills. He normally likes to pull his feet up and swing in the air like a little monkey when we stand him up to walk. Not tonight, he took off and would stop, clap for himself and then go some more.

Go big boy, you took 7 steps all by yourself multiple times this evening. We were so PROUD of you and you were so proud of yourself.

Looks like we have a walking man on our hands and we are excited to see where these little feet take him.

Our little man will be 14 months on Monday, hard to believe. We are going on vacation in about 10 weeks, so I am hoping he has this walking thing down a little more by the time we leave.


  1. YAY! I can just see the walking picture on the beach! Way to go Little Man! Love you!

  2. Ohhhh look at that sweet little boy go!!!

  3. You're going to be doing a lot of chasing on that coming up vacation!

  4. Look at him go! That is so great! He is going to be running around everywhere on your vaca!! You are about to be one busy Momma. I hope that Brynlee and Gavin are both walking great by Memorial weekend!!!

  5. Looks like Brynlee and Gavin are on the same schedule ;) Will be so much fun chasing after both those kiddos. He is just so darn cute!
