Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dreaming of Summer

We played outside for a long time tonight and I just stared at my sweet babies and dreamed of summer. I am so excited to have 6 weeks off this summer and to be able to plan lots of activities to keep these two busy.

This little guy is so brave, yes he climbs up in the slide all by himself and just laughs and laughs.

Emma loves to slide down and bump into him and he belly laughs so loud. I have to constantly remind her that she can hurt him.

Of course she says, "Mom, we are just playing I love my brother and he is a big boy". Some days I think she believes she is the Mommy.

Okay...this is the part that scares me and makes me think that BOYS ARE WILD! At 13 months old he can climb about 1/2 way up the slide standing up. Seriously, Emma did not start doing this till she was about 2 1/2. She still only slides down on her hiney. Uh, he will go down on his back or belly...he does not care. I have a feeling I am going to find him jumping off the roof of it one day.
Last night the HOTY and I were talking about what it was going to be like now that he is starting to walk and he said, "Our house is about to be DESTROYED", tell me it isn't so!

Why am I worried about her bumping into him? Seems that he has it under control and is fully capable of holding his own. Believe it or not, she is afraid of him too. You would be also if you saw him open that mouth up and come after you with those 8 little teeth. The boy loves to BITE!
I am so thankful I have been blessed with a Girl & a Boy, but I am here to tell you there are so many differences between the two! Differences that I am in love with, thank God for and laugh about everyday.


  1.! brave little boy!

  2. LOVE all these pictures :) And you are right, you've got your HANDS full...but I know you wouldn't have it any other way!

  3. Love it--- the last picture is PRICELESS-- lets just hope little Gavin doesnt show his sissy what those teeth are all about! And I think you are right the slide looks like an ER visit in the making!!

  4. Precious! I am cracking up at the last pic. Too funny!!! You are about to be one busy Momma chasing after the two of them. Too sweet girl!!!
