Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Eggs & Treats

One of my favorite parts of Easter is dying eggs as a family and it was quite a treat to have the littlest Frazier join in on the fun this year.

This little girl was very serious about coloring the eggs and so excited to get started.

I love this picture of her peaking in at the egg while waiting for it to turn PINK. This girl is obsessed with the color PINK these days. She told me this evening that she wished her teeth were PINK.

So proud of her 2 PINK eggs, too bad both of them ended up cracked by the end of the day. She ended up having a major melt down each time one of them broke.

This little guy look like he ate a Smurf by the time he was finished. He thought it was so fun to drop his egg down in the container and kept taking it out and putting it back in.

Look at those little fingers, so cute holding Mr. Egg. He just kept staring at the egg and trying to put it in his mouth.

He decided it would be big fun to bang them both together and scream.

Mr. Egg just did not realize what he had coming, did he? Gavin literally squeezed the guts out of him and enjoyed every minute of it.

A dozen colorful memories that we will always cherish. The Frazier Four, a dozen eggs, egg dying kit, boiling water and an old towel equal a good time.

The Easter Bunny decided to leave Emma & Gavin a few little surprises. Emma kept walking around saying, "Mom, I wanted to see the Easter Bunny so I could tell him Thank you for my Soccer Ball." We just kept telling her he knows that she appreciated it and she said, "Mom is the Easter Bunny a boy or a girl?"


  1. How sweet! Love the pictures, we also colored eggs and the kids were not happy until they ate! I am so glad your family had a great EASTER! Love the Easter Bunny pics, we have a similiar one..hehe!

  2. Laura-
    They are getting sooo big and what a brave mommy you are to die eggs with 2!! I hope yall had a wonderful Easter--Hugs

  3. The Easter bunny was generous to those kiddos, love it! Cracked up at Gavin's cracked eggs, so funny.

  4. Laura - At least Emma asked if the Easter Bunny was a boy or a girl...Hudson asked me if I was the Easter Bunny! Really?!?! 3 is a little too young.

  5. so sweet! You guys are much braver then us, we did not even attempt to let the wee ones color eggs. So cute!
