Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Tonight was an exciting night for the WITTY ITTY BITTY. We finally decided to say goodbye to her crib/toddler bed today. We had purchased her a furniture set before Gavin's arrival, but a couple of weeks before he was born decided she/we were not ready for that so we ran out and purchased a 2nd crib. Well, we are now back to a one crib household and Emma is ecstatic.

All day she kept saying "Thank you Mom and Dad for my big girl bed." Little did she know we have had it stored in our closet for 15 months.

Her room is not complete, we still have some monogrammed items that are not finished and we are also having some additional things made to tie it all together. Our goal was to stay in the same color scheme as the nursery to avoid having to repaint.

When we took everything out of her room I asked her what she thought we should do with her bedding and the crib. She quickly responded, "Sell it Mom, Sell it!" Anyone who knows us will laugh hysterically at this, she is so my child! Good idea mini-me, good idea.

Notice she has her white dog, cousin (dog her friend Lizzie gave her when Gavin was born) and baby bear (Nana brought it back from Alaska) in the bed with her. We went from 21 critters in the bed to 3, hopefully that will last.
I think she likes it and she is going to be just fine with the transition. Her Daddy had a harder time with it than she did. He said, "Emma your Mommy always talks about what makes her sad and this makes me sad. You are in a big girl bed now."
We took the camera in her room tonight & took lots of pictures. We prayed with her, told her we loved her about 10 times each, hugged her, kissed her and hugged her again. This is what we saw when we left and that was about an hour ago. We are so proud of you BIG girl!


  1. Laura! I just had a "catatonic extract"...I can't believe she is really old enough for a big girl bed! She is such an amazing full of love and kindness and funny as her momma! Love her! So proud of you sweet Emma Lou! Love, "TorTedra"

  2. Love the bed and the big girl! I bet you could find a little girl at your school that is in need of a crib and would be very, very grateful! :-)

  3. Oh my word....she is the cutest! Such a big girl! I love her bed and the bedding!

  4. Loving the green zebra sheets! I want some ;) I currently have a set of brown and white on our're never too old to enjoy zebra print! LOVE it!

  5. Laura-- Emma looks mighty PROUD and I LOVE the room!!!Cannot wait to see what else you come up with!!

  6. Such a precious room and she looks so happy with it! They grow up too fast and aren't babies for very long. Of course, they do such cute things at every age. It's easy to see how much you love your kids!

  7. What a big girl! She looks so excited to be in a big girl bed. Cannot wait to hear how her first couple of days went. Love, love the bedding!! Emma Lou, you are such a joy to watch grow up and your love for life amazes me!!!! How many little girls get so excited to sleep in a big girl bed?? Not as excited as you sweet girl!!!!

  8. Hi there! I think I have visited your blog before, but not for quite a while. Your daughter is getting so big! We have our own little Emma now... she's 14 months.

    I just love your daughter's bedding! Gorgeous!
