Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating with family and friends. It was so great to see everyone and spend the day in the pool with the entire family. Got lots of great pictures of the kiddos enjoying some fun in the sun, looking forward to getting those posted soon.

Emma & Gavin were both troopers and managed to stay in the water for the entire day. I can not wait to hop on a plane in about a month and head to the beach with my sweet babies. It is going to be some kind of fun!

Before I forget, Gavin can now fill in the blank of Old McDonald. We sing, Old McDonald had a farm ________ and he says, "E-I-E-I-O". It has to be one of the cutest little things I have ever heard. Today he was trying so hard to say, a moo moo here and a moo moo there. He could get out the moo part and the rest was jibber jabber.

As for Emma, I bent down to kiss her last Tuesday and guess what I saw? The cutest little FRECKLES scattered under her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. I love em and think they are so stinkin cute!

Off to get some rest for my last 2 days of school. Woo-Hoo!


  1. Glad you have a good weekend. Man I can't believe you are still in school. Last Friday was our last day. Headed to the beach today!!!!

  2. hey girl...thanks for the sweet commetn on C&H's portraits...the head bands are from Forever 21 (last fall)!!! They are actually my nieces & we just borrowed it, but fit Hadley well!

  3. Oh my gosh, those kiddos look adorable in their matching suits! Love that picture of them!!!!
