Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ready for some FOOTBALL!

Opening a new school found us with only 9th and 10th graders this year. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining at all. It has been a great school year, one of the best as a matter of fact. With only 9 days of school left, I am still smiling and walking down the halls with some pep in my step.

I love my kids, I love my job, I love my co-workers, I love the challenge, I love helping others and I love the relationships I have been able to build as an Assistant Principal this year. My caseload has consisted of 220 amazing, awesome, talented, kind hearted, compassionate kids that all have a very DIFFERENT story to tell. One day I am going to write a book about all the kids I have come across and the stories I have heard. Some are funny, but most will tear your heart completely out and make you wonder if you ever have a legitimate reason to complain.

We will be adding Varsity sports this year and our campus will consist of 9th, 10th and 11th graders. There is something about Friday night Football that excites us all and I especially love that my whole family can be a part of it. So, I have ordered Gavin a jersey and the Emma a uniform to wear to support the Bulldogs.

She was so excited when I brought it home because she loves the "BULLDOG SCHOOL" and so does her Mommy.

Oh it is going to be some kind of fun when we take the field for the first time with the Band roaring, Cheerleaders yelling, Color Guard marching, Drill Team dancing, players running and my 2 babies standing on the sideline with me. My life is all I ever dreamed of and more.

I am proud that my kids get to be involved in my career. I am glad they will grow up exposed to the academics, athletics, fine arts and all that makes up public school.
If I could do it all over again, I would do it all the same way. From teacher to counselor to assistant principal, each step of the way was good, NO it was GREAT! Looking forward to spending summer with my two babies, but I am going to miss all my kids.


  1. That is a cute uniform. My old high school mascot was the "Bulldogs". Same colors and everything. I know you can't wait until Friday night football. By the way where did you get Emma's bedding?I love it.

  2. You are one blessed momma-- sweet Emma looks darling I am sure she has some pom poms heaved her way-- Hugs

  3. So cute! She looks like a natural! You know how much football, baseball, golf, basketball, etc rules our house, so we completely understand the high you must feel! Very exciting! Cannot wait to see Gavin in his shirt! You are very blessed to have a career that you truly love!!!

  4. She looks so precious in her cheerleader outfit! I think you have a future cheerleader on your hands now ;)

  5. So glad our paths crossed all those years ago! We love our Laura Ann! and Emma makes a great cheerleader...but don't take her to Kroger, LOL!!!!!

  6. She looks so cute...Man Friday Night Football is big here football itself is big here...We are the Wolves
