Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddy's Day

We decided to celebrate our Daddy for the entire weekend because that is exactly what he deserves. Emma was super anxious to have her Daddy open his surprises as soon as he hit the door from work on Friday. Perhaps because we had worked on his gifts all day.

The kids each finger painted their Daddy a 12x12 canvas to hang in his office. Emma chose all the colors from the store they would use and they turned out super cute. The kids each picked out their own cards for him. We also decided to give Daddy a little book we made that explained what we would do for him through out the weekend, illustrated with stickers that went along with each days activities.

The fun started Friday night by visiting his favorite Mexican Restaurant. Saturday we had reserved tickets for Toy Story 3 (Daddy has been looking forward to seeing this with Emma & Gavin for a long time) & today will be spent having fun in the sun.

We decide to go with a theme for Daddy's present this year, so it started with a chocolate carmeled apple...YUMMY! Next, we gave Daddy a box that was filled with green and red apples and at the very bottom was an IPAD. After that he opened up a box of Apple Jacks that was stuffed with IPAD accessories and an Itunes card taped to the lid of the cereal box. The final bag had a gel case for the IPAD. It was fun to watch him open all his stuff with Emma & Gavin cheering him on.

I asked Emma what she wanted me to say to her Daddy on Father's Day and she said..."Happy Father's Daddy Curtis. You're a good Daddy and I like you because I love you. You make me feel funny and you play with me. My favorite thing is everywhere we go and when I go with you to Pottery Barn Kids. Have fun, I love you."
When I asked Gavin what he wanted to tell Daddy, he said..."hmmmm....he just looked at me and smiled and kept pointing to his Daddy."
Curtis, Thank you for being the most amazing Father in the world to our children. I could not ask for a better life partner to parent Emma & Gavin with or to set a better example for them. You are everything I ever dreamed of when I imagined what kind of Daddy I desired for my children to have.
You are always so kind, loving, sweet and patient to both of them and do more than your share when it comes to the day to day responsibilities. I am so PROUD of you and the seriousness you put into being a Daddy and how much it means to you to be so involved with our kids. You are a one of a kind Daddy and I know there are lots of people out there that would agree that have had the joy of watching you over past three years.
Thank you for teaching our kids what it means to value family, make good choices, be responsible, always speak kindly, love the Lord, share their emotions, always say I love you, be affectionate and take pride in all that they do. Your actions model each one of these things and so much more.
I know when you read these things, you will think to yourself, well that is my job but the truth is you deserve to be thanked for the amazing job you do on a daily basis. Our children are so blessed to have you in their lives and so am I!
We love you so much and hope you have had the best Daddy's weekend ever!

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