Monday, June 14, 2010

Melt my heart

This just might be one of my favorite pictures ever. My 88 year old Papa holding Gavin at Emma's Birthday Party on Saturday. Such a sweet moment that I got to capture and such a treasure for my Son to have one day. You are looking at one of the greatest men I have ever known and a little boy I love more than life. Makes me miss my Daddy and wish that he could have shared a glimpse with my little man too.

Gavin had a great time celebrating his Big Sister's Birthday too. He really enjoyed running all over the Fire station, eating cake and playing with all the big kids.

Yep, he is still smiling and seeing what he can get into at all times. Super fast, afraid of nothing, strong willed, chatting up a storm, super friendly & teaching us what life is like with an active little boy.

He started telling us, "I love you" last Saturday and they are some of the sweetest words we have ever heard.

1 comment:

  1. oh Laura...that picture...what can I say? you are good are good!
