Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The best, why?

Since we have returned from the Bahamas, I have had several people ask me what made our vacation to the Atlantis the best? I quickly reply...

There is something so special about seeing a vacation through the eyes of your children. The joy in their hearts, the smiles on their faces, the love they share, the excitement of seeing new things and being able to spend so much uninterrupted time being part of the Frazier Four!

We are truly BLESSED
We don't take our BLESSINGS for granted!
I waited a long time for my life to be the way it is today and I am so proud of where we are as a family and super excited about where we are going.


  1. Well Said Laura, I could not have asked for anything else myself. I am truely blessed as well. Glad that you had a wonderful time on vacation and making memories. Again where do you get Emma's cloths from?

  2. Found your blog through blog hopping (and from a comment you left on the MJC blog - hahaha!) so fun to find a fellow MJC lover and a sweet momma blogger! :) loved reading through your posts! i am a new follower!

  3. Just saw your last post, awesome!!! We are in the Bahamas right now and it is beautiful!!! We are already talking about coming back w the kids and staying at the Atlantis. What part of Atlantis did you stay, I know there are so many options? Love it here!!! Missing my kids though.

  4. That is the CUTEST picture of them I have ever seen!!! I hope to see that framed on your wall the next time I am there!! That is just precious!!!
