Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baking with by Bestie

Emma & Brook shared many play dates this summer and enjoyed spending time together.

I got really brave one day and let these girls bake cupcakes and they did a great job. I read the instructions and got the ingredients out, they did the rest. They were both super excited to crack the eggs.
Emma jumps at any chance she gets to help in the kitchen and she loves to use the mixer. I think Brook thought it was a pretty sweet job too.

They could not keep their little fingers out of the batter and were begging to lick the beaters.

Obviously the beaters did not satisfy them, so they moved on to the spatula and Emma just used her entire hand.

Brook decided Emma deserved a little taste off of something besides her hand. So what does any best friend do?

When it came time to mix up the colored icing Brook thought she would let Emma taste all the different colors. Emma thought it was a great idea too.

Last, the cupcakes needed to be decorated and sprinkled. It went a little something like this, spread a little a little icing...spread a little alot more.
These girls did an awesome job baking cupcakes and did an even better job this summer treating each other so sweet. Brook and Emma love each other so much, but sometimes they disagree and do not like to always play nice. I was so proud of the progress they have made and the friendship they both continue to cherish.

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