Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day & Changes

My sweet babies went to their first day of preschool for the 2010-2011 school year. Emma has gone to the MDO program at this church since she was 15 months old, 3 days a week from 9-12. We have been preparing both of our kiddos to go full time this school year and today was the big day for both of them.

Emma was not happy or looking forward to this from the second her feet hit the floor and I felt so horrible about it. She cried for about an hour straight and begging me, "Mom, please call Mr. Trey and see if I can just go to the Bulldog School with you". It took everything inside of me to keep from crying. Finally got her calmed down after a little praying, singing and just talking about what the day looked like. Little man was excited from the get go and did not seem to mind at all.

After lots of prayer, we got out of the car with white dog in one arm and holding her brothers hand. She seemed happy and really calmed down until it was time for us to leave. Curtis and I got down on the gym floor and held their hands and prayed with them before we left, but that did not seem to help alleviate Emma's anxiety. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, Jesus is not making it better."

When we finally got them settled in and knew they were happy, we both walked away. The day was pretty good for the most part, but Emma got really upset at the end of the day and wanted me. This is my least favorite part of being off so long in the summer. I am not sure if it is harder on me or my kiddos when summer has to come to an end and our routine goes back to normal.

I am praying that the transition continues to go so smoothly for our little guy and that Emma will be more comfortable as the week goes by.


  1. Kennedy's experience was similar to Emma's last week, but today she didn't cry when she saw her school, and walked right in. Last week as soon as she saw the school she started crying and saying, "I don't want to go to school. Today, her teacher took her, told her how much she missed her and life was good! :)

    So, here's hoping each day gets easier and easier for Emma! Have a great week!

  2. Oh goodness, hoping as the days and weeks pass she will fall into a happier routine. I can't believe Cade will start 1st grade this year, and he has been counting down until it starts. Where does time go?

  3. Oh no sweet Emma! Prayers that it goes more smoothly. Hudson jumped out of the car ready to see his Nonni! I think he was glad to get rid of me - haha!

  4. Oh, I dread the day! Hang in there momma and sweet Emma! Bless your hearts.
