Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gavin vs. the Concrete

He is rough and tough, all BOY! Currently has a scratched up nose, knot on his head, bite on his finger, bruise on his knee and a stubbed toe but he is still going ninety to nothing.

After falling in the driveway he stood up by putting his little hiney in the air, feet on the ground but left his face flat on the drive way. Hmmm, might be a good idea to bring your face with you next time Gavin.

This boy is some kind of cuteness and this Mommy is madly in love with those plump lips, chubby cheeks, long eyelashes and that little button nose.

I will let you be the judge on who won this one.


  1. Poor Gavin!! Your kids are precious and I've loved following your summer!

    I'm a school counselor and going back to work full time for the first time in 6 years (I've been working 2 days a week). How do you juggle it all... you seem to do it soooo well!! :) I'm so excited but also a little anxious about it!

  2. Hey! Are you trying to be me? Back off sister! LOL!
