Monday, August 9, 2010

Mommy Moments

Last night the sweetest little boy in the world blessed me with one of my PROUDEST MOMMY MOMENTS! Our children are very routine and have been since they were itty bitty. Structure and consistency has been one of the best gifts we have ever given them and in return bedtime is a very pleasant experience for us nightly.

Last night when it was time to go to bed, Gavin told his Daddy and Sister night night, gave them kisses and took off towards his room. Both of our children have been walking themselves to their own rooms at night when it is bedtime since they were 15 months old. They feel so big when they do it and it is the cutest thing to watch them waddle to their rooms at such a young age.

Gavin walks in his room nightly, turns on his baby monitor then crawls up in my arms so we can pray together before I lower him into his crib. Last night when I picked him up to pray with him, he wrapped his arms around my neck and squeezed me really tight as he does every night. I began to say, "lets pray" and he interrupted me and started to babble and the following is the part I could understand....."Dear babble goo gaa babble Momma, Dadda, Emma babble, goo gaa, yada yada yada" and then he screamed, "Amen". I was so super excited that I took off running out of his room and told Curtis what he had done. He had taken parts of the prayer I say to him and prayed it himself in the most innocent little voice I have ever heard. Tonight when we put him to bed he did it again and his Daddy got to hear it this time.

My sweet little man said his 1st prayer at 17 months and 6 days old. I am so super proud of him and glad that we have made praying with our children an unending priority and habit in our heart and home.

I know that my children cling onto every single word that is spoken in our home and last night just reinforced to me that they are always listening. Are we perfect parents? NO. Are we praying parents? YES. I encourage you to pray with your children daily, they are listening and truth is.... PRAYER WORKS!

Gavin, thank you so much for letting me know you are always listening with those cute little ears. You have given me one of my proudest Mommy moments that I will cherish for the rest of my life. My promise to you is that I will always pray with you and for you little man.


  1. That is so wonderful! What an amazing moment to share with your son. Prayer is so powerful and I am so happy that you are so consistent with praying. It is so important that he KNOWS how to pray so he too can one day be the leader of his home and family and pray to his children. So wonderful Laura! What a proud moment to cherish FOREVER!!!

  2. That is the sweetest thing ever!!! I think I would have been boohooing!! Precious!!

  3. I love it! Precious! We pray with our kids before meals and before bedtime too and our 2 year old says her own prayers too! Sooo sweet!

  4. What a wonderful post! Prayer is so important at all times. Your children are growing up with some wonderful parents who know what to emphasize. They will carry this with them always and influence other children for the better.
