Friday, September 10, 2010

I am a Soccer Mom!

My baby girl had her first soccer practice last night and her first game just happens to be on Saturday. Not much time to get ready, but after practice I think we will be just fine.

Surely you did not think she would have anything other than PINK on, did you? Funny thing is they did not have a PINK soccer ball at the Soccer store so Emma asked the man, "can't you get online and order me one off facebook sir?" Hmmm....sad part is, he did it.

Running during practice & they were all so excited to do it.

New team, new friendships and lots of new memories to be made.

These girls were all so PROTECTIVE over their balls and it was hilarious. If there was a trophy Brook would have won, she did not want anyone looking at her ball. As a matter of fact she would not even let me take a picture of it.

Little brothers get stuck at Soccer Practice too, but Luke did not seem to mind. I {heart} those big blue eyes sweet boy.

Brook looks like a pro in this picture. Cassi might be trading her Tahoe in on a mini van soon from the looks of Brook's skills.

Gavin decided he was going to get in on the action. It was way more fun then sitting on the sidelines.

I feel like this little girl has grown up way too fast. She was so cute kicking this ball down the field.

Emma we are so proud of how hard you worked in practice and look forward to watching you demonstrate your skills at your first game.
I sent some of these picture to Emma's GBC (Grandma by Choice ~ Darla) and she said, "Emma Lou just embraces anything new." I hope she will always be willing to try new things and enjoy herself while she is doing it.

Such a girly girl, but I think she and Brook are both going to enjoy Soccer more than anything they have done so far.

These two got in trouble at Ballet on Tuesday night, so they were both on their best behavior last night. Emma is punished from sugar and TV time until she goes back to Ballet next Tuesday and shows me she can make better choices. It is really working with her too, yesterday she asked me if she could please just have one little skittle.

New trick that Emma taught herself during practice. She was so proud that she could hold her ball with her chin and no hands.

I think these two might be in their element with Soccer. They seemed to really enjoy themselves while running up and down the field kicking those pink soccer balls. It is going to be so much fun to watch them this season.
I am so glad that Emma & Brook love each other so much. After they got in trouble at Ballet, Emma woke up Wednesday morning crying and saying, "Mom, I don't want Brook to quit Ballet because she is my best friend and I love her." That was a little nicer then her telling me over the weekend that her & Brook were going to have a baby when they grow up and live in a PINK house together. I will never know where she comes up with this stuff, but it is interesting.
Our Coach was passing out uniforms randomly tonight because they were all the same size (XXS) and we ended up with #11. I saw it through the bag and quickly took it since that was my number when I played sports from elementary through high school. Brook ended up with #3 which is also great because that is how old they are this season.
If you happen to be looking for us for the next 11 weeks, we can be found on the Soccer field every Saturday morning cheering on #11 & #3. I am so proud of you girls.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that pink ball! Awesome! I always enjoy your stories and pictures, without question you all make the best of everything. Hope you guys have a winning season ;)
