Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

We have quickly learned not to leave these two unsupervised for very long or we have T.R.O.U.B.L.E on our hands.
Last weekend they were very quiet and we could not find Gavin. When we made our way to the front of the house we found him sitting in our foyer buckled in a car seat that we had sitting there to be installed in our Nanny's car. Emma giggled and said, "I put him in there because I wanted him in there". She frequently has to be reminded that she is not the boss.

Today this little monkey decided she needed some water before soccer practice, so what does she do? You got it, she helped herself up to the bathroom sink and went to town at the faucet. Not really a big deal, but....

Another little monkey decided to do exactly what she did, but he got frightened and began screaming, "help me, help me" and the other little monkey went on her merry way leaving him stranded and crying.

Of course she ROCKED her tutu at practice over her shorts tonight. Her "Coach Daddy" (that's what she calls him on the field) told her it probably was not a good idea. Surely he did not think this strong willed little girl was going to take it off or did he? I am not sure if it will be the pink, the bows or the tutu that get us kicked off the team first. I have learned there are some battles not worth fighting, especially when you are part DiStefano.


  1. lol! that's for sure DiStefano...I have seen that outfit on the runway over here!

  2. Oh My that is just too funny! I totally agree with the kids getting into everything.

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