Monday, September 6, 2010


We attended our cousin Peyton's 2nd Birthday party yesterday that was so much fun. Her Mommy worked really hard and the Sesame Street party was perfect. The day was filled with fun, swimming, cake, pizza, candy, ice cream, rub on tattoos and best of COUSINS.
Spending the day with Kaiden, Peyton, Hudson, Hunter, Camryn, Chance & Brynlee can make any day a perfect day.
My Nana wanted a picture of all her grandchildren together before the party got started, so my Mommy did the best she could do. It is hard to get all 4 of us to look st the same time because we would rather be staring at each other. I sure hope my Nana loves this picture and if not, we can try again.
Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.

1 comment:

  1. I would say you did an EXCELLENT job getting a picture of all the kiddos looking one direction. Cousins do make the best of friends.
