Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pitter Patter of Little Feet

There will be a day when I will long to hear little feet running across my wood floors, a day when I wish I could get on my hands and knees and clean muddy footprints off my tile, a day when Emma no longer begs me to paint her toenails, a day when Gavin's little feet will no longer be super ticklish, a day when I wish I could spend $450.00 on a pair of custom orthotics every time her feet grow and a day when these little feet will no longer be little.
These little feet taught me how to be a Mommy. It is hard to believe when I am buying size 7.5 shoes that these were the tiny little feet I fell in love with that have changed my life forever.
And these feet belong to a little boy that melted my heart from day one and reassured me that God loved me so much that he made him a spitting image of my Daddy who now lives in heaven.
Her feet are getting bigger and she is starting to explore so many different things and I pray she will always be true to herself.
I pray she will always be willing to try new things and never quit in the middle of something.
I pray she will always love herself, her family, Jesus and LIFE!
I am feeling a bit sappy tonight and feeling like I really need time to slow down. When I look at my sweet babies these days I realize we no longer have an itty bitty in our house. Our children are becoming more independent, self sufficient and opinionated.
Gavin has been sick for about 24 hours vomiting and I can honestly say it has been a blessing. Not that he is sick, but he has let me hold and love on him, that does not happen to often anymore. He has climbed up in my lap and laid his head on my shoulder more today than he has in the last 6 months. As strange as it might sound I am grateful that he needed me today and wanted me to squeeze him tight while he nestled into my shoulder. I am also grateful for a little girl that begged me to stay inside her ballet class tonight to watch her instead of sitting outside with the other Moms.
In spite of how tired I might be, how overwhelmed I might seem, or how many hours I spend working, one thing is for sure....I NEVER want the pitter patter of the 4 sweetest little feet I know to fade.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post! Awwwww..I totally know what you mean. Why to those little feet grow so fast?!?! Sweet Gavin. I hate a sick baby so much. It is the most helpless feeling, but I love to love on Cilla. It is the only time I get to hold her and rock her. Saying a prayer for him tonight and for us mommies to enjoy every day with our little loves! They are so precious and so are these days!
