Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We decided to turn our pumpkin into a Jack O' Lantern last night by giving him a sweet little face.  We let Emma choose the design she wanted carved into him and we were not a bit surprised at the one she chose.

Little Man enjoyed scooping the guts out of him and yelling, "YUCK, YUCK, YUCK" as his sister stood about 5 feet away and held her nose proclaiming, "he STINKS!"   Daddy was laughing because she did the same thing last year as a 2 year old.     

Curtis is like a big kid when it comes to anything that has to do with the holidays.   They were all so serious about this pumpkin.  Of course, Mommy is behind the lens.

Emma did a large amount of the carving her self and did a great job.   She has gotten really great at tracing over her numbers and letters at MDO, so it was easy for her to follow along the dotted line on the pumpkin.

Here he is in all his glory, our 2010 Pumpkin that my sweet babies helped bring to life.   Turned out pretty cute and he will certainly  welcome our guest with a smile on Saturday at our "Merry" not SCARY Halloween Party!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little pumpkin-- we are sooo excited about the party saturday!!
