Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

We are running a little behind this year, but we took our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday in search of 25 pumpkins for our Halloween Party next Saturday.

This little guy was running 102.3 fever all day yesterday, so there were no smiles to be had out of him.  When he found his pumpkin he was ready to go and did not want to hang around to watch us hunt for the rest.  Good thing the airport was near by and "airpwanes" kept flying over to keep him occupied.

Miss Emma could have hung out in the patch all day.  She found her pumpkin and held it in her hands the entire time we looked for the rest.  She is so excited to paint and show him to all her cousins at the party.

Hmmm....the camera is over here guys.  They were more interested in what the other people were doing and which pumpkin they were going to choose.   So my children, I love to stare too.

Gavin was not a fan of his tie, but I thought it was so cute and the perfect way to have him and his sister match at the patch.   His Daddy would not have been happy if I had ordered him a polka dot pumpkin shirt.

I love this little boy so much and am so glad he is one of the Frazier Four.  He has worked so hard in the last 3 weeks on his behavior and we are so proud of him.

You are looking at my FAVORITE two boys in the whole world.  Not sure my kids could have a more perfect Daddy.  Curtis is the most loving and kindest man I know and I searched the pumpkin patch a long time to find him.

My super sweet girl that was very concerned why the pumpkin to her right had a frown on his face.   Just like her to notice the little things or if someone is not happy. 

Last week we got in the car to go somewhere and this "witty itty bitty" sang every word to the song, You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins when it came on the radio.  I had a lump in my throat and a sick feeling in my stomach listening to her and thinking about how I am going to wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.

We had a great time picking out pumpkins and at the end of the search the best little pumpkins came home with me and I could not be more grateful.   So thankful for my family and all the memories we are making along the way.

We will be returning to the Pumpkin Patch one day this week to try and get a picture of both kiddos looking and smiling.  That seems to be a challenge these days, I am certain our Christmas Photo shoot will be very interesting.

Happy Fall Y'all ~ Love The Frazier Four


  1. your kids are adorable!! Love their little matching outfits. Too cute!

  2. Beautiful pictures, and your kiddos are as precious as ever! Happy Halloween!

  3. LOVE this post. The kids look SO adorable...LOVE the orange polka dots :)

  4. Absolutely the cutest!!! Love Gavins tie

    We cannot wait to see yall and are counting down the days.
