Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Riding Lawnmower

My brilliant children decided to turn their bubble and noisy mower into a full fledged "riding lawnmower" tonight and it was HILARIOUS.  They are so funny, super goofy and always keep us laughing.   It does my heart good to watch them play with one another so sweetly, especially when it does not turn into a hair pulling/screaming match. Yes, I often play referee around here these days.

Gavin has started running around the house as fast as he can and putting his hands up to his mouth like he is blowing a whistle while squealing really loud.  Eventually he stops running, sticks his hands out in front of him and yells "STOP".   

They took turns pushing one another and a few times each one of them fell off.  Believe it or not Gavin seemed to have less trouble pushing his big sister then she had pushing him.  The boy is a BRUISER.  

Emma is equally as funny and today she had an entire waiting room in the doctor's office cracking up.   Her Daddy took her to the Dr. and after they got checked in, she quickly found a book.  She chose the book, I Love You This Much with characters Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Nutbrown Hare.  After she opened the book she decided to shout across the room to her Daddy, "Dad come and read the Nut Hare book to me".  Her Daddy started laughing out loud for about 5 minutes and continued to look away from everyone in the waiting area.  He immediately text me when she did it and sent me this picture of her with the book.  He thought it was so funny and the 70 year old Grandma sitting across from him did too. 

So incredibly THANKFUL  for my silly, goofy, rowdy, busy, funny, active and crazy kids.


  1. Your little Gavin is just precious- I know he will have a fun birthday party!Thank you for your kind words. You are so sweet!! : )
