Friday, December 3, 2010

21 Months Old {Airplane}

Little man, you are all BOY and we love it!  You are getting sweeter and sweeter everyday and often climb up in our laps these days to love on us and let us love on you.  Full of energy, you keep us running behind you constantly and we can not turn our back on you for a second or you are climbing something.

Your vocabulary has exploded and you can repeat anything we ask you to say.  We are so impressed with all the things you are able to remember and the way you transfer information from one situation to the next.  Outside is where you choose to be at all times and you think you can do anything your big sister does.  Currently wear size 6 diapers, 24 month clothes, size 6.5 shoes, love to eat macaroni, drink roarin' waters, scream for candy if you see it and love cookies.  It is so funny to hear you say, " I love cookies! Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum", your Daddy taught you how to say this.  Biting and hitting is becoming less and less, but you still do it when you get mad.

Gavin, we love you so much and are blessed every single day to call you our SON!  Your eyes light up any room you walk into and your smile captures the hearts of so many.  You are the reason we call ourselves, The Frazier Four and we have enjoyed the last 21 months with you.

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