Monday, December 13, 2010

Emma's First Dance Program

Saturday morning Emma had her first dance program and she did a great job.  Her dance studio has an "Itty Bitty Christmas" every year where the kids that are 5 and under perform for their parents in front of the dance studio.  There were about 250 little ones that performed and each group had a different routine.  Emma's group did a tap dance to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Emma is not a fan of huge crowds or being away from her Mommy, so I was a little concerned about how she would do.  The look on her face in this picture is a look of concern to me, she made me take her to the bathroom twice to try and avoid dancing.  Reindeer ears on, lined up, walking out and ready to perform.

I was so proud of Emma and her effort to go out there in front of a very large crowd and tap her heart out. She was so darn cute and did not seem to be bothered by the onlookers.

Her favorite part was "playing all those Reindeer games" with her little friend.

Perfect little ending, for a perfect little girl, with a perfect little heart. Emma you did a great job and never gave up, for that we are so proud and honored to be your parents.  You are such a blessing!

The 7 little reindeer that stuck it out and danced their little hearts out. There are more girls in their class, but they did not participate.

From the second Emma found out she was having a dance program she kept asking if she was getting any flowers.  She remembered Tori getting flowers after every recital, so she thought she deserved some too.   Daddy also bought her the Rudolph book and wrote her a very sweet message in the inside (she has slept with the book under her pillow the last 2 nights).  Daddy was so proud of Emma and her accomplishments in dance this year.

Emma ~ you were the cutest little reindeer I have ever seen.  Thank you for making us so proud and for doing your part no matter how uncomfortable you became at times.  It is going to be a blast to watch you at recital in the Spring on the big stage.  Should be no issues at all since it will be held at my High School.  We love you so much, keep dancing girl!


  1. Such a little cutie! She looks like she was having such a good time. I believe she's a natural! Have a wonderful Christmas with your sweet family!

  2. OH MY WORD!! You KNOW I loved this post for SO many reasons. That little tapper made me smile smile smile :)
