Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boxers or Briefs?

I normally do not post pictures of my kiddos without clothes on, but I just could not resist posting this picture of Little Man in his boxer briefs.

He is so cute when he runs around the house with these on and his big sister is ready for him to be wearing them full time.

He seemed to be to occupied flying his airplane at his train table to give his Mommy a smile.  Little did he know he made me smile all day with his cuteness!

1 comment:

  1. Laura Ann...

    Oh.My.Word! That picture is adorable in his little Boxers! Ha! He looks like SUCH a big boy!

    I am so glad to be back blogging again...after having been MIA for awhile. My daughter, Faith, redesigned both of my blogs and that helped to motivate me to get back into it, too. After seeing the last few posts of your precious family...I am reminded of just how much I have missed blogging!

    I look forward to keeping up with you and yours in the new year!

    Love you,
